Saturday 5 May 2012

Trying to Loss Weight


 This Tips will help you to Loss Weight quickly

1. Change your diet one step at a time – You don’t want to do a drastic change to your diet because this can
have a negative impact on you losing weight effectively. Instead, you want to be sure that you change your diet
one step at a time.
Start by eating fresh fruits when you want a snack during the day. Once you are used to doing that you can start
adding small changes to your diet until you are finally eating a completely healthy diet that will benefit your weight
loss goals.
2. Weigh yourself – This is an important thing to do when changing your diet and losing weight because it will help
you keep track of how much weight you are losing. Plus it will help keep you motivated to get those numbers
3. Tell everyone about your diet – This is important for two reasons. One being that if others know you are on a
diet they won’t pressure you to cheat. The other reason is because when others know you are trying to lose
weight, they may become your best support system.
4. Let yourself cheat – Maintaining a healthy diet all the time can be very hard to do and for some people it
becomes impossible. If you let yourself cheat once a week, you will have something to look forward to and it can
be your reward for eating healthy the rest of the time.
5. Exercise – Dieting alone is not enough to help you lose weight. You also need to do some moderate exercising
at least two or three times a week. This will get your metabolism working and help your body burn fat so you can
achieve your weight loss goals.
6. Eat more – This may sound strange, but it is important. You want to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day, instead of
three big ones because this will help you to keep your metabolism working throughout the day.
7. Drink plenty of water – When you are trying to lose weight you need to drink plenty of water so you don’t
become dehydrated. Also your body may lose water when you are trying to lose weight so drinking plenty of it will
help prevent this from happening.
These diet tips will help anyone lose weight safely and effectively. You just need to start using them today and
before you know it you will find that the weight you want to lose is finally starting to disappear.

Self-esteem Questionnaire

Self-esteem Questionnaire

This is a short checklist to help you rest if your self-esteem is strong or might need a boost. Answer the questions as honestly as you can and total your scores at the bottom of the page.
Always Sometimes Rarely
1. I have a lot of doubts about
my abilities
2. I am often unkind about myself
3. I don’t like what I see in the mirror
4. I blame myself when things go
5. I personalise things when someone
says something I don’t understand
6. I don’t feel I’m very important in
7. I don’t have good nurturing
relationships with people
8. I feel I am not good enough as
a person
9. I think negative thoughts
10.I criticise other people a lot
11. I don’t respect myself
12. I don’t like things I say or do
13. I lack confidence in situations
14. I feel angry with my ‘lot’ in life
15. I don’t value myself

Always = 2, Sometimes = 1 and Rarely/ never = 0
Total your scores and read the following interpretations:
You have a strong self-esteem that is capable of withstanding quite a lot of change and helps you feel in control of your life. Keep trusting your intuition and continue feeling good about yourself
You have a moderate self-esteem that has taken some knocks but from which you have probably coped pretty well. If you are conscious of the knocks, try and identify the areas of your life that have contributed to this. Attempt to tackle your thoughts about them. Try and let go of outdates opinions of yourself and inaccurate images that feed your self-talk
A score in this range suggests you have a number of concerns about yourself and or your life. These concerns are likely to feed a negative self-image and could upset your chances of feeling successful or positive about yourself. It is important to recognise which aspects of your life you’re unhappy with and decide to tackle one aspect of something in order to put you back in control. It may also make you determined to change. Go to the link for the article on self-esteem if you’d like to know more and also the recommended book list, which might help.

Friday 20 April 2012

How to get six packs in 6 weeks


Always remember that in order to get six packs in 6 week you will need to take in less calories than your body uses, so if you use a 2 pronged attack by lowering your calorie intake and then adding exercise to your day you will begin to burn off the low ab fat.

While exercise can help you burn more calories it can also help to tone and tighten muscles.  Now you may have heard that “spot toning” exercises can’t help you lose weight from a particular area of your body and that is true but remember that you will be watching what you eat so in addition to tightening your lower ab area you will also be burning off the fat.  So exercise is an important part of reducing your lower ab fat  – pooch.
Many gyms have machines suited for the lower abdomen, particularly if the gym is specific to women’s fitness needs. However, there are two simple exercises that can be done at home or in combination with a specific fitness program.

Exercise that can make you get six packs in 6 weeks quickly

Lower Ab Crunches
  • Lie on the back. The exercise surface should be firm so as to support the spine. Place the hands under the buttocks, palms facing down.
  • Lift the legs so as to form an L shape with the body.
  • Tightening the stomach muscles gently lift the buttocks with the stomach muscles. The hands should only serve as a support for the lower back, whose majority should remain on the ground. The legs should remain straightened.
  • Continue the exercise as many times as needed, but for no longer than thirty seconds before the next round. The next round should take place after a thirty second break.
Lower Ab Leg Lift
  • Lie on the back. The surface should be firm as to support the spine. Place the hands palms down underneath the buttocks. These are not meant to help in the exercise. The hands are only meant to support the lower back.
  • Tightening the stomach muscles, lift the legs in a folding motion toward the ceiling. Keep the legs straight.
  • Return the legs back to the ground.
  • Continue the exercise as many times as needed, but for no longer than thirty seconds. Take a thirty second break before the next round.

Friday 13 April 2012

Lose 3 Pounds in a Week


Weight loss and weight gain is basic math (bummer). Calories are the fuel that our bodies
run on; typically around a couple thousand a day (depending on height, weight, age). If we
eat more calories than our bodies burn in a day, then they are converted to fat. 3500 extra
calories equals a pound of fat. So if you eat 500 calories more a day than you burn, you’ll put
on a pound a week. By the same token, if you eat less calories than what your body burns in
a day, your body burns fat stores to make up for the calorie deficit. So if you eat 500 calories
LESS than you burn each day, you’ll lose a pound a week.

"The sticking point for me has always been time. There was never enough to cover all muscle
groups, find time for cardio and incorporate In 6 weeks I have lost 6.5kg (14.3lbs). I am now in
my ideal weight range (with abs) without dropping off existing musculature. As far as internal
health goes my cholesterol has dropped from 6.4mmol/L to 3.7 mmol/L (247mg/dL to
142mg/dL). Guess what! my life insurance premiums will reduce accordingly if i keep it this way.
Did I mention I feel great. This stuff works."

Exercise Descriptions

Warm-up Circuit

Prisoner Squat
• Stand with your feet just greater than shoulder-width apart.
• Clasp your hands behind your head. Keep your elbows back and shoulder blades
pulled together to work the upper back.
• Start the movement at the hip joint. Push your hips backward and “sit back into a
chair”. Make your hips go back as far as possible.
• Squat as deep as possible, but keep your low back tensed in a neutral position.
• Do not round your lower back.
• Push with your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps to return to the start position.


• Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from toes (knees) to shoulders.
• Place the hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
• Slowly lower yourself down until you are 2 inches off the ground.
• Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position.
• Keep your body in a straight line at all times.

Hamstring Stretch

• Lie on your back with both legs flat. Slightly bend your right knee.
• Now raise your right leg straight up in the air and try to bring it back until it is
perpendicular to the floor. Keep the other leg flat and straight on the ground.
• As you raise your leg, you will begin to feel a stretch in the hamstring.
• Bring the leg up until a moderate stretch is felt. Support the leg in that position by
holding it up with your hands or a towel looped around your foot.
• Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and then switch sides

Chest Stretch

• Stand next to a doorframe.
• Raise your elbow up to shoulder height and rotate your arm so that your hand is up
(as if you were in a throwing position with your elbow in line with your shoulder).
• Press your elbow against the doorframe and slowly and gently rotate your upper body
away from your elbow.
• You should feel the stretch across the front of your shoulder and chest.
• Hold for 30 seconds and then repeat for the other side